Circular economy,
the essence of our business model
Circular economy
To produce goods and services in a sustainable way by limiting the consumption and waste of resources and the production of waste. This means moving from a throwaway society to a more circular economic model.
Our commitment : the circular economy
The circular economy is the very essence of our business model. This approach reflects our deep conviction that the preservation of the planet must be at the heart of our strategy. We work for the reduction of our carbon footprint by promoting the reuse of equipment. We work on the implementation of a CSR approach and our ambition is to become a mission-driven company.
All our management tools and services, inherent to our usage solution, are developed in a sustainable and responsible economy approach. Indeed, it is important for our CEO, Mickaël Perrin, “that KEYBAS’ corporate purpose is no longer solely profit without considering the damage made to the environment”.

We want to go beyond the linear economic model of extract, manufacture, consume and throw away. We call for a sober and responsible consumption of natural resources and primary raw materials as well as, in order of priority, the prevention of waste production.

Key concepts
Eco design
Environmental issues are at the heart of our business model. Our services are part of an eco-design and sustainability approach. How do we do this? By monitoring equipment and developing a maintenance and repair service at the cutting edge of innovation (predictive, preventive and curative maintenance).
Usage solution
The usage solution is the very principle of KEYBAS solutions, which respond to a change in mentalities and consumption patterns.
From being owner, we move to a usage solution to avoid overconsumption.
Product circularity
We are committed to promoting the reuse of equipment by giving them multiple lives according to our customers’ needs. From a vertical consumption of the product, we turn into a circular consumption. The product then has several lives.
How do we do this? By putting used equipment back on the market.
Recycling index
We are committed to working with suppliers who guarantee a 90% recyclability index for their equipment.
How do we do this? By signing a charter that commits our partners to provide recyclable products.
Our goals

Respect for the environment
Minimizing the environmental impact through the circular economy. KEYBAS is committed to promoting the re-use of equipment by implementing a usage solution based on the circularity of the product by giving it multiple lives according to the needs of our customers.

Energy transition
Our mission is to create an energy ecosystem to gain autonomy while reducing its ecological impact. Thanks to our usage solutions, we facilitate the access to the necessary infrastructures in order to succeed in your ecological transition.

Waste reduction
By monitoring the equipment and developing a predictive maintenance service, KEYBAS wants to increase the lifetime of the equipment and thus contribute to the reduction of waste.

Recyclability index
KEYBAS wants to create a mandatory recyclability index for automotive and industrial workshop equipment. Gradually, we select suppliers based on their products and their ecological impact.

Eco-friendly digital solutions
Digital solutions are being deployed exponentially around the world and with them, their impact on the environment. KEYBAS® is committed to Planet Tech’Care to reduce its environmental footprint.